New Release: Barrel Reserve 2019

New Release: Barrel Reserve 2019

01/10/2022 Off By Vineyard Team

The little sister of Sussex Reserve

We are delighted to release a long awaited new wine: Barrel Reserve 2019.
The little sister of Sussex Reserve, our winemaker’s special blend is made with similar aromatic grapes – Bacchus, Reichensteiner and Pinot Noir – but has also spent 18 months maturing in oak barrels. The result is a buttery, delicately spiced, rounded white wine of considerable depth, with the ample fruit of its long established sibling.

An excellent partner for rich shellfish dishes such as scallop or lobster, this is a wine for a gourmand – England’s answer to fine wine Burgundy.

Nutbourne Barrel Reserve 2019 is £15.50 a bottle.
Available now at the vineyard cellar door and through our online shop